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Addition-curing, transparent bite registration material.
Regi-trans can be applied directly from the cartridge into the patient’s mouth, which is very time saving. lts high stability prevents accidental flowing off the teeth.
Due to the material’s transparency, the patient’s occlusion during biting can be visually controlled. After approx. 1:30 min the registration material has hardened. ln addition to this, Bisico® Regi-trans can be used for the intraoral or extraoral production of translucent moulds for the polymerisation of light-curing composite materials, which can be carried out either intraorally, using a hand-held curing light, or extraorally in a special light polymerisation device.
Technical data
Consistency: medium
Colour: transparent
Linear shrinkage: < 0.1%
Mixing time: not applicable
Working time(incl. mixing time): 30 sec.
Setting time in the mouth: < 2 min.
Final hardness: approx. 70 Shore A
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